Tuesday, September 26, 2006

black cat black cat

Ladies and Gents,

Before long, everyone one of us is going to have his/her own reality TV show. Like cell phones and tattoos. Everyone will have a show called "Dan" or "Cami" or "Sausages" or "Anna." It'll be all about you. How you comb your hair. How you answer the door. How you lie around. How you lie. How you treat your mother. How you insult a co-worker. There'll be judges. And people will be voted off your reality TV show. Like your girlfriend or your mailman or your mechanic or your dentist. You may even be voted off your own reality TV show, and then the show will, therefore, be about somebody else. Fabulous other reality TV shows are in the works, too: One called Cold Air, where people head out in search of a chilly day. Another called Young Short Republican Lawyer Dudes Gone Wild. And my favorite: Breakfast, which is all about a group of diner chefs who have to create breakfasts in trying environments: Under a beehive, underwater, under oath, and otherwise under duress.

Before you go to, or watch, Breakfast, join me, Rod Smith, Steph Monte, and Star Emeritus Mel (Melissa) Nichols for another round of Drink & Walk, the happy hours that was voted Most Realistic Happy Hours In Washington. Where nobody gets voted out. Where we drink of the fruit of the vine, where we speak of the ganja of the valley, and where we walk upon the pavement of the municipality. Behold the Drink & Walk. Be it. Hold it. Drink it. And walk it off. Amen.

Remember that this is a "full" Drink & Walk -- from Angles (6:00 to 7:45) we will go to the Black Cat (8:00 to 10:00). We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, September 18, 2006

The economic theory of Perfect Competition suggests that a given market can support a vast number of similar enterprises and that such enterprises will always sell the same goods at the same price. Consider the market for Jumbo Slice slices of pizza. Indeed, on 18th Street, in Adams Morgan, one can order an Original Jumbo Slice, a Jumbo Slice, and what, a Double Secret Fabulous Jumbo Slice. They are all bigger than your head and cost two bits, do the Jumbo Slices. The theory suggests that we will see many more Jumbo Slices. Serious Ass Jumbo Slice. Long Republican Winter Jumbo Slice. Mumbo Jumbo's Jumbo Slice (Boomlay boomlay boomlay boom.) Fenty's Jumbo Slice. Marion Barry Jumbo Slice Weekend. That, or everything will become Jumbo: Jumbo Asylum, Jumbo Diner, Jumbo Meskerem, Jumbo Grill, er, Girl From Ipanema. Until it will be Jumbo America and we will have to load all the shotguns, grab all the brisket we can carry, and head for the hills.

Before we head for the hills, let us, this Thursday, instead, wish Poet, Translator and International Man of Intrigue, Generous Sir Hot Rod, The Legend, Stuff, Snuffy, D'Edge SmithSmithSmith ---- a Jumbo Birthday. So join him, me, Steph Monte, and Star Emeritus Mel (Melissa) Nichols for another edition of Jumbo Drink & Walk. Miscellany will ensue. There will be the usual toasts, banter, backclaps, drunken confessions, and beery optimisms. But mostly, we will celebrate the coolest cat we know, Mr. Smith, and we will Drink, Yea, We Will Walk In The Valley Of The Alley Of Our Pally. Or our name ain't Drink & Walk.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ladies and Gents,

There was once a village that became infested with rats, so the village elders brought in a few snakes to eat the rats, which they did, but then the village became overrun with snakes, so the village elders brought in a couple of mongooses (mongeese?) to combat the snakes, which they did, killing them, and eating a few, too, but then the village was beholden to the mongeese, and the village elders sat around thinking what to do. "Bring in Muhammad Ali?" they said. "Order an airstrike?" they said. "Pray to the volcano and to the hurricane, simultaneously?" They established a mongoose alert level, and raised that to orange, in that, there was an elevated threat of a mongoose. (Or the threat of an elevated mongoose.) You get the picture. The elders met, and talked, and the elders met, and talked. "This is nice," they said, "this meeting and talking. Maybe we should include alcohol." And pretty soon, their troubles didn't seem too bad at all. And so, do you see the morale of the story?

Whether you have rats, or snakes, or mongeese in your life, join me, Rod Smith, Steph Monte, and Star Emeritus Mel (Melissa) Nichols for another edition of Drink & Walk, the happy hours where there are no problem animals. We will tell some knock knock jokes, we will talk about the School of Hard Equinox, and we will make sense of an ever complex world. The point is, it's nice to sit around and talk. And if you can include alcohol as part of that, well, hey, then, now, yeahhhman.

Remember that this is a "full" Drink & Walk -- from Angles (6:00 to 7:45) we will go to the Black Cat (8:00 to 10:00.) Visit our blog for periodic updates: http://drinkandwalk.blogspot.com/ And we look forward to seeing you there!


We will arrive at Angles around 6:00 p.m., where there is a sparse crowd at that hour, a dollar off all drinks, including a wide selection of beers and fancy drinks, a jukebox that features Joy Division and Louis Jordan and just about everything in-between, before, and after, and empty pool tables, if you want to shoot pool. Angles can be found precisely where Belmont runs into 18th Street, in Adams Morgan, a couple blocks north from the intersection of 18th and U, a couple blocks south from the intersection of 18th and Columbia, next to a Jumbo ("there's a fly on my") Slice, up a short staircase. Look for the sign "Angles" above the window or door. We will be in the front room.

We will stay at Angles until about 7:45, at which point, we will walk over to the Red Room Bar at the Black Cat, which can be found on 14th Street, between S and T Streets. Arrival time around 8:00/8:10 p.m., and we will be there, likely, until 10:00. Note: If there is a long line for the Black Cat, don't worry about that (it's probably for a show). Just go up to the door and ask for the bar. They'll card you and you can go in, to your right.

Dan Gutstein

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ladies and Gents,

Are you bored? Yawning so wide someone could fit a pumpkin in your mouth? Do you play numbing mindless mind games like ---- Who would win: Mongoose vs. king cobra? Mongoose vs. Muhammad Ali? Mongoose vs. brick wall? Is it so bad that you rejoice over things that aren't really rejoice-appropriate? (Flicking on a light switch. Discovering your favorite deodorant. Watching the bus pull away without you.) What do you need? Do you need an activity? Yes, you do, according to a recent survey of "Happy Hours Technicians." 9 out of 10 such "technicians" advise you to seek such a regular activity at least once per week. But ---- Ladies and Gents ---- why attend any old "happy hours?" Huh? Don't.

Instead, join us for the first Drink & Walk of the new 2006-07 season: A Transition Toward A Greater Buzz. If you yawn, we will be there to pour a beer in your mouth. If you say: Mongoose vs. Muhammad Ali -- we'll say, "Split decision." If you're rejoicing over light switches and deodorant, well, then, we can't help you, at all, except that we can order that tequila shooter for you, saving you the trouble of ordering it yourself. As it turns out, we are sponsoring a Drink & Walk, this year, in Aix-en-CoupdeBoule, France, where it will be called Boire & Marcher. Today: Washington. Tomorrow: The World!

Remember that this is a "full" Drink & Walk -- from Angles (6:00 to 7:45) we will go to the Black Cat (8:00 to 10:00.) Visit our blog for periodic updates: http://drinkandwalk.blogspot.com/ And we look forward to seeing you there!


We will arrive at Angles around 6:00 p.m., where there is a sparse crowd at that hour, a dollar off all drinks, including a wide selection of beers and fancy drinks, a jukebox that features Joy Division and Louis Jordan and just about everything in-between, before, and after, and empty pool tables, if you want to shoot pool. Angles can be found precisely where Belmont runs into 18th Street, in Adams Morgan, a couple blocks north from the intersection of 18th and U, a couple blocks south from the intersection of 18th and Columbia, next to a Jumbo ("there's a fly on my") Slice, up a short staircase. Look for the sign "Angles" above the window or door. We will be in the front room.

We will stay at Angles until about 7:45, at which point, we will walk over to the Red Room Bar at the Black Cat, which can be found on 14th Street, between S and T Streets. Arrival time around 8:00/8:10 p.m., and we will be there, likely, until 10:00. Note: If there is a long line for the Black Cat, don't worry about that (it's probably for a show). Just go up to the door and ask for the bar. They'll card you and you can go in, to your right.