Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ladies and Gents,

There are more windows being replaced all around D.C. than at any other time in the city's history. Whole buildings. On the same day. With giant cranes. And so forth. This isn't scheduled maintenance of any kind. This is due to a tremendous buildup of filth and muck. Ever hear the term "100 year flood?" i.e., A flood of such great magnitude, it is only seen every 100 years? Well this is 100 year Filth and muck. That is, the last great Filth and muck was seen in the famous Great Filth and Muck of 1906. There were some notable Filths and mucks since then, such as the Filth and Muck Scare of 1932, the Little Filth and Muck of 1958, and what has now been popularly termed as the Ronald Reagan Filth and Muck of 1980, but never anything like this. Say it as one word: Filthandmuck.

After you're done saying the word, come on out to join me, Rod Smith, Special Ambassador Steph Monte, and Star Emeritus Mel (Melissa) Nichols for another round of Drink & Walk. Everyone who's been to Angles knows that we have the best window view in town -- i.e., the greatest vantage point from which to watch the Filth and muck. I'm told that Filthandmuck could become a sporting event, kind of like the Iditarod dog races in Alaska -- only here the dog teams would run around the city, through Filth and muck. There are special dogs being bred for just such an environment, known as Filthandmuckers, and these dogs should be ready by 2008, should the blight persist that long.

Remember that this is a "full" Drink & Walk -- from Angles (6:00 to 7:45) we will go to the Black Cat (8:00 to 10:00.) Visit our blog for periodic updates: http://drinkandwalk.blogspot.com/ And we look forward to seeing you there!


We will arrive at Angles around 6:00 p.m., where there is a sparse crowd at that hour, a dollar off all drinks, including a wide selection of beers and fancy drinks, a jukebox that features Joy Division and Louis Jordan and just about everything in-between, before, and after, and empty pool tables, if you want to shoot pool. Angles can be found precisely where Belmont runs into 18th Street, in Adams Morgan, a couple blocks north from the intersection of 18th and U, a couple blocks south from the intersection of 18th and Columbia, next to a Jumbo ("there's a fly on my") Slice, up a short staircase. Look for the sign "Angles" above the window or door. We will be in the front room.

We will stay at Angles until about 7:45, at which point, we will walk over to the Red Room Bar at the Black Cat, which can be found on 14th Street, between S and T Streets. Arrival time around 8:00/8:10 p.m., and we will be there, likely, until 10:00. Note: If there is a long line for the Black Cat, don't worry about that (it's probably for a show). Just go up to the door and ask for the bar. They'll card you and you can go in, to your right.

Dan Gutstein


Blogger mark wallace said...

You only get to do the next two of these without me, and then I'm coming in to clean up that Filth and Muck, purely on strength of character.

4:46 PM

Blogger illuminated meat said...

your strength of character involves a bulldozer? industrial strength Windex? a sump pump?

8:50 PM

Blogger mark wallace said...

Oh come on now. You're only talking technological basics. Got it covered. Me and Clint Eastwood, we're talking CHARACTER.

9:29 PM

Blogger DAN / DANIEL GUTSTEIN said...

i think an industrial strength fish taco, of which i ate in carlsbad.

of course, then you need an industrial strength tequila -- HAHA -- while you wait in the dr's office.


9:53 AM

Blogger mark wallace said...

Can I get an Industrial Strength Tequila at Drink & Walk?

10:51 AM


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