Tuesday, May 08, 2007

by unanimous vote

Ladies and Gents,

The Board of Directors has met, and has approved, by unanimous vote, the following drinking song: "I drink a drink // and I skip a drink // and when I skip a drink // I drink a beer." It was also approved by unanimous vote that nobody can steal this song. It is ours. If you steal it, we will get Mel's dog, Flash, to yawn, and release a mammoth honeybee that he swallowed last year. This Thursday, the Board of Directors will be taking up the following Issues: (1) Cantaloupe as metaphor; (2) Metaphor as aroma; (3) Aroma as structure; (4) Structure as healthfoods; (5) Healthfoods as cantaloupe; (6) Cantaloupe as a vehicle for change; (7) Melons.

Take up The Issues yourselves, this Thursday, at 6:00 p.m., by joining the Board of Directors, along with Fitz and the Gang, The Late Shift, and our fabulous bartender, Norm, for another round of Drink & Walk, the happy hours that features, on occasion, the Axe Bodywash Girls, the Bass Girls, and various local, national, and international human beings. "If it can drink a drink // and skip a drink // well, then, it's at Drink & Walk." (TM)


Blogger Maria said...

Drink & Walk + Random corporate sponsors = Free stuff all around.

It's almost like getting paid to drink. It might be the closest many of us get. Carpe Diem.

9:18 PM

Blogger DAN / DANIEL GUTSTEIN said...

below can be seen rod smith, dan gutstein, and tom orange "peel session" fraternizing with a bass girl. the other bass girl was really stoned, i think. the bass girls admitted, however, that they did not drink bass. they didn't mind the kilts, however. ba

9:35 AM


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